By learning any of these professions, you open up the possibility of making money on the internet. It is possible to take advantage of these ideas for those who want to work from home, either to have a 100% full-time job, or just to earn extra income. You can use this income to pay for small luxuries, or make a reserve to achieve some goal in your life. Regardless, we believe that some of these ideas for those who want to work from home during 2020 will be very useful and profitable. So check out our full list below!

1. Create an online store

Having an e-commerce is much easier than during the early days of the internet. Although the free tools are very limited, they still allow you to start selling products on the internet. You can use the platform in different ways. It serves both to resell products from other companies and your creations. Creating an online store is also one of the best ways to create an internet business that starts generating income right away. Among the various platforms available, we recommend Zyro. Specially created to help entrepreneurs create e-commerces to sell products online, you can use it to create your website. It is worth remembering that you can do this even if you have no knowledge of web design or programming. Want to know more about Zyro? Then click this link right now to get started!

2. Create a blog

Another alternative is to create a blog and work from home with online content. Despite being an “old” form of content, it is still very effective in attracting people and generating money online. If you consider yourself a good writer, you just need to learn some search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and define a niche where you will work. You can blog about a subject that will allow you to gain a lot of visitors quickly or simply talk about your hobbies. That way, you can earn money by talking about your favorite subject! It’s just worth remembering that creating a blog is a long-term project, as it takes some time, work and dedication for it to start earning money.

3. Create and sell ebooks

Selling digital books is infinitely easier than physical books. While the cost of the second option forces you to be already rich or rely on a publisher — who will be responsible for the costs, but take a good chunk of your sales —, you can publish a digital book independently. Kindle Unlimited is a Netflix-style subscription service. Instead of series and movies, however, the service offers its subscriber a large collection of books.

4. Teach online

Do you usually teach or have you always been told that you have didactics and patience to teach? So one of the best ideas for those who want to work from home with this skill is to teach online. There are several platforms where you can choose a skill to teach and enter your available times. Students can schedule a time to take this class with you. Think of an Uber, but with an appointment.

5. Create and sell online courses

One advantage of teaching online is that the money comes in more frequently, usually after teaching the class. But you can expand your ability to earn money by recording your own online courses. That is, you create the course format, record the content on video, prepare the complementary material and sell it on platforms such as Eduzz or Udemy. Creating and selling online courses is a great way to generate recurring income that comes in without you having to do any work to do so.

6. Offer online mentoring

Are you already a renowned professional in your field, but want to change the way you work? Among the many ideas for those who want to work from home, offering online mentoring may be the best for you. Through platforms to meet online, you can help other professionals in your field. That means helping them behave better, how to perform a task in the best way possible, teaching them how to ask their boss for a raise, among other lessons.

7. Transcribing audio or video

One of the most laborious tasks in the career of journalists and content producers is the transcription of interviews. Whether they are in audio or video, the process of transcribing everything that was said is incredibly long. To give you ideas for those who want to work from home, it can take about 4 to 6 hours just to transcribe a conversation of less than 10 minutes. To speed up this work and leave the journalist free for other reports, companies hire people just to do this transcription work. In short, just open the audio or video and transfer each spoken word to a text editor.

8. Online writing

Writing online doesn’t just mean working with transcription. In fact, online writing is one of the biggest job markets on the internet. And one of the best ideas for those who want to work from home. As with blogging, you will need to learn a few specific things about writing online. Among them, optimization for search engines, which we mentioned before. On the other hand, there is no shortage of free courses and classes teaching the basics to start a career in this area. From there, just gain experience and practice to start improving your writing.

9. Virtual assistant

Online entrepreneurs and digital influencers also have repetitive tasks that are not as pleasant as recording incoming videos. This is how the virtual assistant profession has become one of the most sought after in recent years. Similar to a traditional assistant, the virtual assistant is responsible for managing commonplace but important aspects. Controlling the agenda, organizing the office online and generating reports are some of these activities. However, the virtual assistant also has other tasks, exclusive to the online environment. Creating and scheduling publications, evaluating metrics on social networks and online service through messaging apps are some of them. To get started, simply assess the skills you already have and offer them. If you don’t have as much experience in online routines as those mentioned above, there is no shortage of free or low-cost courses that will teach you.

10. Sale of crafts through social networks

Do you produce crafts and usually sell to neighbors or close friends? How about starting to sell them online too? It’s possible that a lot of people online, who would never find you because they don’t live nearby, like what you do. Selling handicrafts through social networks can be one of the best ideas for those who want to work from home, since the only way out is to send the products through the Post Office.

11. Social media management

Do you like social media and have you thought about working with it? It’s an excellent idea for those who want to work from home! There is no shortage of companies looking for professionals to manage their accounts. On the other hand, it is important to remember that managing social networks is not just creating memes and replying to comments. It is interesting to know the company and subjects such as content creation, metrics evaluation and even paid ads management. Even so, there is also no shortage of courses that you can take at home to learn the main aspects of managing social networks. Also get to know some of the main tools that will help you manage social media.

Etus: allows you to manage accounts on various social networks. Click on this link to find out; Scalehot: lets you manage Instagram profiles and helps you gain followers. Click on this link to find out; Bume: complete Instagram and Stories manager. Click on this link to find out; Grow Social: tool that helps to gain real followers on Insta. Click on this link to find out; Reportei: allows you to generate performance reports on various social media. Click on this link to find out;

12. Traffic manager

Another of the ideas for those who want to work from home in growth in the online market is the traffic manager. But what is a traffic manager? While the social media manager takes care of the organic part — that is, that does not generate costs for customers —, the traffic manager takes care of the paid part. That is, he is the one who develops the strategies for creating paid advertisements for the companies that hired him. It is this professional who will guide the campaign, whether in the public that the company will try to reach or in the development of creative pieces.

13. Delivery food sales

Apps like iFood have made life much easier for those who produce meals or snacks for delivery. Before them, the company had to bear the delivery costs. Who was a small producer, for example, was unable to bear these costs. However, with the outsourcing promoted by iFood, it is perfectly possible to work from home with delivery using these apps. When you take orders, you just work on delivering the best meal possible. Once you’re done, you can use the app to find an available courier who will take care of the delivery and get your rate right from the app.

14. Delivery of dessert

Considering what we talked about above, you can also work with the sale of dessert by delivery. This will allow you to create any kind of dessert: cakes, pies, made-to-order sweets or any other pastry item. The process is the same, just trigger apps like the aforementioned iFood to find available couriers.

15. Affiliate product sales

Selling products through affiliation is one of the safest ways to earn money working from home. It is also one of the most efficient ways to monetize blogs or YouTube channels. How does affiliate selling work? If you already have a content channel, you can register on affiliate platforms such as Hotmart, Eduzz and Monetizze, among others. On these platforms, there is a huge collection of products that you can register as a seller. These products serve different niches such as beauty, economics, games, technology, among many others. No matter your niche, you will likely find good products to work as an affiliate on. By being approved as an affiliate partner for a product, you will be able to generate sales links, which can be included in your content. Whenever a visitor to your channel or blog clicks on a sales link and buys the product, you will receive a commission for doing so. Like creating and selling online courses, it’s a way to earn money even if you’re not actively working to earn it.

16. Copywriting

The copywriter is, in a way, a copywriter. However, the copywriter specialized in a specific type of text: sales-oriented. That is, the copywriter is also a seller. He is the one who writes the subtitles for paid advertisements that he finds on social media or on capture pages, among others.

17. Create a YouTube channel

Just like the content creator who publishes articles on his blog, having a YouTube channel is a great way to earn money. Even when not publishing content. However, he also needs time, dedication and strategy before he even starts making money recording videos. Creating a YouTube channel is one of the best ideas for those who want to work from home, especially if they have other sources of income while the channel is not monetizing.

18. Online proofreading

Don’t feel confident writing, but master grammar and spelling rules? Then you can review texts online. Many content producers, companies and freelance platforms employ these proofreaders to improve the quality of their texts. In addition to the rules of our language, it is also necessary to understand optimization rules for search engines, something that you will also have to observe when reviewing texts.

19. Translation

Working with translation is one of the careers for those who want to work at home, much like they would at a company in the field. That is, you will take articles in another language and translate them into ours, or vice versa. Billing is per page or per word. As it is possible to work with international companies, some opportunities also have payment in dollars. With the current scenario in 2020, it can be an excellent extra income on the internet.

20. Online service

One of the jobs that appear the most on the internet today is online service. This happened in part because of the pandemic, although it was already a trend. In online service, you can answer customer questions by email, online chat, videoconference or even WhatsApp from the companies that hire you. All this with just your computer.

21. Dropshipping

One of the best things about selling online is that you don’t even have to have inventory. You can simply sell to order. That is, when someone buys from your site, you can order the product from the manufacturer, who will also be responsible for the delivery. This means that your only job will really be selling. The name given to this practice is dropshipping. To learn how to sell better, check out this guide with some resources to convert more in your online business.

22. Answering online surveys

It is one of the ideas for those who want to work from home, but it is more suitable for making an extra income, rather than a career. For example, you can work in online writing and use some of your free time to do extra research. Companies hire consumer research services to find out how their audience thinks and consumes. Thus, they have better ideas for those who want to work from home for marketing campaigns or creating new products. Therefore, these survey companies pay a fee for their users to respond to these surveys. You can answer each survey in about 5-15 minutes. Online research is also one of the best ways to earn extra income without spending anything.

23. Sell photographs

If you’re a professional photographer, you can make money online not just by selling your services at events like weddings or debutante parties. Have you ever thought about selling photography to image banks like Shutterstock and Pixabay? These photographs do not yield as much as photos for private companies. On the other hand, you can upload photographs that could not be leveraged to generate income.

24. Online consulting for companies

Another very interesting option for those who already worked as a consultant or have a lot of experience as a manager in companies. With the difficulty of presence imposed by the coronavirus, you can very well help companies as an online consultant. In this way, you can use apps for online meetings and earn money on the internet in 2022, helping companies overcome the damage caused by the pandemic.

25. Create websites for companies

You can create a website or blog for yourself to earn money. But have you ever thought about developing websites for other companies? If you have a lot of experience with web design, programming or simply know how to use tools like the aforementioned Zyro very well, you can offer this type of service to entrepreneurs who don’t have much time for it. Also, you only need a computer to be able to create websites for these companies. That is, it also turns out to be one of the best ideas for those who want to work from home.

26. Create mobile apps

Another way to work on the internet creating something is mobile applications. Whether developing a mobile game or creating simple apps for businesses, it’s perfectly possible to do everything from home. Many companies don’t need a robust and full-featured app. Some of them, for example, just need an easy appointment system to book clients. Others just a way to distribute content exclusively.

27. Create and edit photos or images

Did you see how companies need to post daily on their social networks to keep their audience active and buying? The problem is that creating and editing these photos or images is persistent and time-consuming work. After all, it is not enough just to throw any image there. You have to think about relevance to the public and consider elements such as the company’s visual identity. If you are knowledgeable in tools for creating and editing photos, you can offer to create these images for social networks, getting good money for this. If you’ve been interested in this method, but don’t know where to start learning how to create or edit these images, then we invite you to get to know Canva right now! The platform is one of the easiest to learn. With added free image banks, you have access to a collection of elements and photos that you can include in your posts. In addition, you can start from a template with the ideal size for the social media you work with. Click on the link and see how easy it is to use Canva to create images for social media!

28. Create and edit videos

Using the same logic as above, these companies also need to create and edit videos. Especially since they are more likely to generate engagement, especially if posted in Instagram Stories. Just as there are tools for creating images, the same is true for videos. There is no shortage of tools and editors that are beginner-friendly. That way, you can learn the basic tools of that app or platform, and then start creating simple videos for businesses. All this working from home, even in quarantine. To create or edit videos on your computer, we recommend Movavi as a useful and easy-to-use platform. Visit the link right now to learn about the tool!

29. Selling clothes/online thrift store

Do you have old clothes that are still in good condition, but you no longer intend to wear them? So why not shop online? In this modality, you don’t even need to set up an online structure, since this is a method to make an extra income with what you already have at home. Take the clothes you want to “let go”, take good pictures or even record a video demonstrating. Post on your social media and ask for that help from the family to share and make the announcement of your pieces reach more people you know. Your used clothing may seem useless to you, but rest assured that it could be exactly what someone needed. Did you like selling your used clothes and decided to turn it into a business? Then see the next tip.

30. Make online sales

You can continue to sell online. If you took advantage of the previous thrift store idea for those who want to work from home, but sold all the clothes, you should take the next step if you like selling: look for manufacturers and distributors. By buying in bulk, you can secure clothes for a better price, which you can resell and keep the profit. However, in this modality we already recommend a better structure. If you are used to selling through Instagram, then we recommend using Bagy. This platform for creating virtual stores specializes in serving those who usually sell on Insta. In addition to letting you create a website that looks like your Instagram feed, it can take care of making your catalog available for use with Instagram Shopping. This tool lets you put a digital tag on the clothes you post. By doing this, your followers will be able to see prices and conditions, in addition to being able to close the purchase on your website. Click on the link to get to know Bagy and see how it works!

31. Test websites

Working with websites doesn’t just mean creating them. You can also test sites and make extra income from it. When you test site, you should explore its different pages, test whether forms are working correctly and even make fake purchases, just to reassure your customers that all elements are working as they should.

32. Testar apps

This is also true for anyone who likes to use different types of apps and has some understanding of how they work. When testing apps, you should also try to use all of their functions. Also, you should imagine scenarios where an application might crash and cause an error. Then try to cause the crash to see if the app is well developed.

33. Offer small services

Do you usually work as a seamstress or do small jobs like drilling walls or installing showers? You can also use these skills as ideas for those who want to work from home. Of course, you won’t drill the wall of your house, but you can help someone to do this through videoconferencing apps, for example. Another possibility is to receive the materials at home and work on them, such as sewing or repairing appliances, among others. Some sites to earn money on the internet like GetNinjas serve exclusively to help you find customers.

Get organized to execute these ideas for those who want to work from home!

Working straight from the comfort of your home also brings some challenges. One of them is the organization of your tasks, both those you are going to do to earn money and those necessary to maintain your well-being. There are several apps that can help you with this task. One of them is MeisterTask. In it, you can create card lists with tasks. In each card, you can include files, images and comments with information that can help you in the execution. You can also organize the lists according to the type of task, like a kind of virtual wall. Best of all, you can use MeisterTask for free, just follow the link!

33 ideas for those who want to work from home 2022 - 633 ideas for those who want to work from home 2022 - 4133 ideas for those who want to work from home 2022 - 3533 ideas for those who want to work from home 2022 - 1933 ideas for those who want to work from home 2022 - 2033 ideas for those who want to work from home 2022 - 7733 ideas for those who want to work from home 2022 - 58